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31 Jan 2021

SSC(10th Class) Biological Science Subject English Medium Lesson wise and Topic wise Youtube video Links at one Page - DCEB Suryapet Youtube Channel

SSC(10th Class) Biological Science Subject English Medium Lesson wise and Topic wise Youtube video Links at one Page - DCEB Suryapet Youtube Channel

 SSC(10th Class) Biological Science Subject English Medium Lesson wise and Topic wise Youtube video Links at one Page - DCEB Suryapet Youtube Channel


Sl.No Telecast Date Lesson/Topic RP NAME Video Link
1 09.09.2020 Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Nutrition P.Prabhakar Reddy CLICK HERE
2 11.09.2020 Photosynthesis Introduction,Importance and Factors J.Yakub CLICK HERE
3 14.09.2020 Structure of leaf and Chloroplast B.Saidulu CLICK HERE
4 16.09.2020 Photosynthesis Mechanism,Light and Dark Phase E.Venkateshwarlu CLICK HERE
5 18.09.2020 Starch test and Priestley experments K.Ramarao CLICK HERE
6 21.09.2020 Light and CO2 are essential for Photosynthesis exp. M.Donbosco CLICK HERE
7 23.09.2020 Hydrilla experment and Photosynthesis sum up P.Srilatha CLICK HERE
8 25.09.2020 Human Digestive System ,Flow Chart A.Bhanu Chandrika CLICK HERE
9 28.09.2020 Digestive Engymes and their role,healthy aspects. E.Venkateshwarlu CLICK HERE
10 30.09.2020 Malnutrition , Vitamins E.Venkateshwarlu CLICK HERE


Sl.No Telecast Date Lesson/Topic RP NAME Video Link
2 09.10.2020 Mechanisom of Respiration Kauser Anjum CLICK HERE
3 12.10.2020 Gasses Exchange S.Upendra CLICK HERE
4 14.10.2020 Celluar Respiration M.Pavitra CLICK HERE
5 19.10.2020 Fermentation , Respiration VS Combustion Kouser Anjum CLICK HERE
6 23.10.2020 Respiration in Plants Activity S.Upendra CLICK HERE
7 28.10.2020 Activity,Releasing of temparature Kouser Anjum CLICK HERE


Sl.No Telecast Date Lesson/Topic RP NAME Video Link
1 02.11.2020 Introduction P.Madava Rao CLICK HERE
3 06.11.2020 Blood Vessels & Circulation A.Sudha Rani CLICK HERE
4 09.11.2020 Cardiac Cycle E.Venkateshwarlu CLICK HERE
5 11.11.2020 Single and Double Circulation G.Swarna Latha CLICK HERE
6 13.11.2020 Lymphatic System E.venkateshwarlu CLICK HERE
7 16.11.2020 Evolution of Circulatory System K.vishnu Vardhan reddy CLICK HERE
8 18.11.2020 BP and Coagulation J.Yakub CLICK HERE
9 20.11.2020 Transporation in Plants Ujwala Bhosle CLICK HERE
10 23.11.2020 Mechanisom of water Transporation K.Archana CLICK HERE


Sl.No Telecast Date Lesson/Topic RP NAME Video Link
1 25.11.2020 Excreation in man S.Upendra CLICK HERE
2 27.11.2020 Human Kidney Kauser Anjum CLICK HERE
3 02.12.2020 Kidney Internal Structure G.Srinivas CLICK HERE
4 04.12.2020 Urine Formation Kauser Anjum CLICK HERE
5 07.12.2020 Ureters,Bladder,Urethra Micturition Kauser Anjum CLICK HERE
6 09.12.2020 Artficial Kidney,Kidney Transplantation S.Upendra CLICK HERE
7 11.12.2020 Accessory Excretory Organs G.Srinivas CLICK HERE
8 14.12.2020 Excretation in other Animals Kauser Anjum CLICK HERE
9 16.12.2020 Excretation in other Plants M.Pavitra CLICK HERE

Coordination the Linking System

Sl.No Telecast Date Lesson/Topic RP NAME Video Link
1 18.12.2020 Nervous Coordination J.Yakub CLICK HERE
2 21.12.2020 Structure of Nurve cell,Synapse,three types of nervous complete R.Venkataiah CLICK HERE
3 23.12.2020 Knee jerk reflex & reflex arc E.Venkateshwarlu CLICK HERE
4 28.12.2020 Central Nervous System R.Madhavi CLICK HERE
5 30.12.2020 Spinal cord to peripheral nervous system complete K.Ramarao CLICK HERE
6 04.01.2021 Coordination without nervous A.Sudharani CLICK HERE
7 06.01.2021 Feedback meechanisom & Autonomus nervous System K.Vishnu Vardhan Reddy CLICK HERE
8 08.01.2021 Control meechanisom in plants upto phyto hormones table K.Vishnu Vardhan Reddy CLICK HERE
9 11.01.2021 Activity 5 to end of the chapter G.Swarnalatha CLICK HERE


Sl.No Telecast Date Lesson/Topic RP NAME Video Link
1 18.01.2021 Bacteria growth in curd/milk S.Upendra CLICK HERE
2 19.01.2021 Asexual Reproduction Methods Kauser Anjum CLICK HERE
3 20.01.2021 Vegetative propagation M.Pavitra CLICK HERE
4 21.01.2021 Sexual Reproduction G.Srinivas CLICK HERE
5 22.01.2021 Female reproductive System,Child Birth kauser Anjum CLICK HERE
6 23.01.2021 Structure of Lower kauser Anjum CLICK HERE
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